that's what I did at first: \startsetups btx:duane:cite:external {\externalfigure[\btxfield{url_image}][width=10cm]} \stopsetups the problem is that I need the control the width of externalfigure in the text. With the above solution I have to define a different cite rendering for every possible width I need in my layout. Isn't there a way to just get the filename of the cite so I can a macro with the width as an argument? Thanks Michael
On 04 May 2016, at 23:39, Alan Braslau
wrote: On Wed, 4 May 2016 21:31:46 +0000 "Eidenbenz Michael"
wrote: what seems strange to me is that \cite[filename] works as such, but not as an argument to \externalfigure
The \externalfigure tries to do quite a lot with its argument(s).
You can use \placecitation [duane::tug2014] defining your rendering appropriately to call \externalfigure.