--- Jens-Uwe Morawski
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 08:45:24 -0800 (PST) "James J. Ramsey"
wrote: I think I may have smoked out some problems with my ConTeXt installation in the process. I'm running Red Hat 8.0, with teTeX-1.0.7.
i would prefer an update at least to TEXLive7 and the current ConTeXt
Easier said than done on most Linux distros. teTeX is "standard equipment" on many of them, and often a dependency.
What is going on?
find the file cont-sys.tex and uncomment the lines \setupencoding [\s!default=ec] \usetypescript [berry] [\defaultencoding]
That didn't work. I get this complaint: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \s !default=ec \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if ,#1 ,\@EA \xprocesscommaitem \else \if ]#1\@EAE... \xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem #1,] ,\@relax@ \dosetupencoding [#1]->\getparameters [\??ec ][#1] \edef \defaultencoding {\i... l.1 \setupencoding [\s!default=ec]
if this still does not work since font utmr8r etc. is not found
Yeah, I do not have that font. Oddly enough, I do have the files utmr8a.pfb and utmr8a.afm, but no utmr8r.
then you should install an up-to-date TeX distribution
As I said, easier said than done. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/