Taco Hoekwater wrote:
What do you do with ConTeXT?
Dear Taco, I use ConTeXt for a) my class guides (incorporating genealogical tables and other graphics) and book-lists in both paper and screen versions b) for typesetting the Newsletter of the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement c) my daughter used ConteXt (with my help) to typeset her thesis d) I have given three classes in the use of ConTeXt to my postgraduate students urging them to use ConTeXt to typeset their theses. Together with Omnigraffle and Bibdesk ConTeXt is ideal for students writing theses. I have been using XeTeX more and more for the ease of getting diacritical marks (when transliterating Sanskrit for example) or medieval characters using the SIL font Gentium. The use of fonts in ConTeXt is the main problem that I have. I have not come to terms with that area yet. Finally it is a joy to use ConTeXt. A very big thanks to Hans. Charlie Doherty ******************* Charles Doherty, Early Irish History, Room K113, School of History, John Henry Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4 Tel: +353 1 716 8381