On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 10:18:07 +0100, Hans Hagen
VnPenguin wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to define chapter style like the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 1
This is the name of chapter
------------------------------------------------------------------ But I can't found the option of \setuphead which allows me insert a "new line" (and a vertical space) between chapter number and chapter name yet.
Any help will be appreciated,
Here is the code I try: ----------------------- begin of code -------------------------------------------- \language[en] \setuppapersize[A4] \def\MyChapterCommand#1#2{#1\blank[2cm]#2} \setuphead [chapter] [command=\MyChapterCommand] \starttext \chapter[foo]{This is first Chapter} \section{totototo} \subsection{tatata} blahblah \stoptext ------------ end of code --------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, I can not get the thing for which I'm looking :-) I'm wrong some thing ? Q.