Hi Aditya, Any news on bib module - t-bib.tex? If enable the colouring in cite commands in macros.tex I get; \setupcite [interaction=start, compress=no,color=darkgreen] Teams and games Multi-agent systems can be classified as teams and games on the basis of the ob- jective of the agents. In teams all agents have the same objective; in games, each agent has its own objective. Historically, games were first studied in the seminal work of and were later developed as a subfield of mathematical economics called game theory (Aumann and Hart, , , ). Teams were first studied in mathematical economics by and , and later in control systems by , , , , and others Instead of; Teams and games Multi-agent systems can be classified as teams and games on the basis of the ob- jective of the agents. In teams all agents have the same objective; in games, each agent has its own objective. Historically, games were first studied in the seminal work of von Neumann and Morgenstern () and were later developed as a sub- field of mathematical economics called game theory (Aumann and Hart, , , ). Teams were first studied in mathematical economics by Radner () and Marschak and Radner (), and later in control systems by Witsenhausen (a, ), Ho et al. (), Ho (), and others. Obviously I had to move t-bib.tex from the current directory to even get the it compile. Thanks Mohamed Aditya Mahajan wrote:
* Bibliography. For a large part, the bib module was very easy. In the end, there were a few glitches with the formatting of the bibliography (too title space between entries) which I had to manually correct. (Look for \help inside the bbl file).
The bbl file sorted authors with multiple entries incorrectly. If I had authors with four publications in a year, say 2000, the came out as 2000d, 2000c, 2000b, 2000a. I wanted 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, and 2000d, so in the end I just edited the bbl file by hand.
There was also problem with maybe year. If I had 2000a and 2000b in the bib file, but only referred to 2000b in the thesis, the year came out as 2000b rather than 2000. For this also, I edited the bbl file by hand.
Overall, ConTeXt made writing the thesis fairly easy. I mean the typesetting part of it. For those who are wondering, ConTeXt does not help with the content of the thesis :-) I would like to thank Hans and Taco for providing ConTeXt and everyone on the mailing list for answering my various questions.