26 Jun
26 Jun
5:07 p.m.
Hello all: I have a chapter with 36 images this way: \placefigure[here][1]{Mapa de la provincia de Corrientes y de localización de la escuela.}{\externalfigure[gandulfo][width=11.9cm]} At the beggining of the chapter I have: \completelistoffigures[alternative=c,criterium=chapter,interaction=all] But only the head is shown (Ilustraciones) If I use \placelistoffigures[alternative=c,criterium=chapter,interaction=all] not even the head is shown. What is wrong? Thankyou in advance. _________________________________________________________________ Dont miss your chance to WIN $10,000 and other great prizes from Microsoft Office Live http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/aub0540003042mrt/direct/01/