Hi all, I have a document which typesets correctly in mkiv giving a PDF file with 7 pages, but the same document typeset with lmtx gives two pages with a strange pagebreak on the second page. Up to now, unfortunately, I could not create a minimal example to show this behaviour, so I put the files in the folder here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7rolmpe47njvy0l/AADmcILO0XgY3Sb6FC2dwMw-a?dl=0 and the PDF file obtained with mkiv is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/udbz0lulat9vum7/bug-pagebreaks-mkiv.pdf?dl=0 while the one obtained with lmtx is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6kge5lq8otju4y/bug-pagebreaks-lmtx.pdf?dl=0 Also, the TeX file typesets correctly with lmtx, if I don't use textrules, so I wonder whether there has been some changes in the way such textrules have to be used. As far as I can remember, two months ago the same file was typeset with lmtx without any problem. Thanks in advance for any help, Best regards: OK