Greetings all, In tinkering around with the lilypond module, oversized lines of notation do not get adjusted into the left margin as this bit of code seems to be trying to achieve: ---> %D %D TODO: Get the relevant dimension directly from lilypond, %D to place the instrument name into the left margin for %D short snippets as well. %D If we are not in the middle of some text, we have to check %D whether lilypond created an image that is wider than requested: %D It places the instrument names in the left margin. %D \ifvmode \getfiguredimensions[\lily!filename.pdf]% \leavevmode% \newdimen\FigWidth \FigWidth=\figurewidth \ifdim\FigWidth>\localhsize \!!dimena=\localhsize \advance\!!dimena by-\FigWidth \noindent\hskip\!!dimena \fi \fi \externalfigure[\lily!img]% \egroup% }% <--- This includes lines which have an instrument name, as mentioned in the comments, and also includes piano notation, which has a special bracket on the left joining the two staffs. Can anyone help me out here? Best, David