Hi Julian, have fun with: \currentlistentrylocation = Laufende Nummer des Listeneintrags \namedstructureheadlocation{section} = Abschnittsnummer der angegebenen Hierarchiestufe (chapter, section usw.) \currentlistentrynumber = Abschnittsnummer des aktuellen Listen eintrags \currentlistentrytitle = Überschrift des aktuellen Listeneintrags \currentlistentrypagenumber = Seitenzahl des aktuellen Listeneintrags (in German, because I copied it from my book) If you use \setuplist[command=...], you should set alternative=interactive, otherwise you don’t get bookmarks and links. \define[3]\MeinEintrag{#3: #2 (#1)} % Seite: Titel (Nummer) \setuplist[alternative=interactive,command=\MeinEintrag] or define your own alternative: \definelistalternative[j][renderingsetup=list:jbf] \startsetups[list:jbf] ... \currentlist... \stopsetups HTH Hraban Am 16.03.22 um 22:03 schrieb jbf via ntg-context:
I wonder if there is a way I can call in the chapter number in the TOC, although that number is not used for chapters as such. I know the chapter number is 'remembered' anyway, so there is probably a way I can call it in just for the TOC.
The context for this question is the layout for book which comprises individual contributions, and each contribution has its own author/copyright (hence the individual chapters bear a title without a number, but the editor who has compiled these wants them numbered in the TOC).
I currently call the author name in the TOC with:
\leftaligned{#1}\par% title. \leftaligned is needed
\setuphead[chapter] of course includes number=no.
\setuplist[chapter] is currently set as:
And for the moment I simply use, as part of the \startchapter[] description: list={1. This is the rather long title of the first chapter, with the number included at the beginning}.
While that gives me the number of the chapter, it does not give me correct indentation when the chapter title runs to more than one line. What I would prefer to do is to be able to call the chapter number automatically with placing 1., 2., etc. in list={}.