On Oct 6, 2010, at 04:02 , R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote:
On Tuesday 05 October 2010 11:15 PM, Florian Wobbe wrote:
I used to update TeXLive 2009 successfully with this method, however I ran into the same error when updating TeXLive 2010. As I did not succeed and could not figure out what caused the error I installed minimals without problems. I suggest you install minimals and point the environment variable OSFONTDIR to your TeXLive tree. This adds only about 200MiB to your disk which is rather neglectable compared to the 2.7GiB of a full TeXLive.
I trust that minimals is what I was updating using with rsync and that it is a cut-down version of the ConTeXt distribution that came with TeXLive 2010.
No, you clobbered your TeXLive distro with the current context beta.
Can I put minimals in $TEXMFHOME which is ~/texmf on my system? That seems to be the place where I can keep stuff newer than TeXLive 2010 without conflict. Can minimals function standalone, though, or will I run into mismatches with TeXLive 2010 again?
I wouldn't try and mix minimals with TeXLive. Let TeXLive and minimals live side by side and they don't hurt each other. Make sure you set your PATH environment and put context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin before the TeXLive binary path. This way the executables from minimals get preference over those from TeXLive and you'd still be able to run latex without changing your environment.
Also, should OSFONTDIR then point to /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/ or to something else?
You would want to point it at /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/fonts// so that mtxrun --script fonts --reload finds the fonts that come with your TeXLive. Mine looks like this: OSFONTDIR=/usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/fonts//:/Library/Fonts//:/System/Library/Fonts// Florian