Hi, Two months ago I was able to install context minimal on windows XP and Ubuntu but now I can not do that. After a fresh installation on windows by the GUI installer I faced the following halt while compiling a sample, here is the log file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (sample.tex ConTeXt ver: 2008.11.10 21:40 MKIV fmt: 2008.12.25 int: english/english system : cont-new loaded (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv) (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-mtx.tex)) system : cont-fil loaded (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-fil.tex loading : Context File Synonyms ) system : cont-sys.rme loaded (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/user/cont-sys.rme (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-tmf.tex) (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex) (c:/contextminimal/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.tex)) bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded specials : pdftex loaded language : language en is active system : sample.top loaded (sample.top) (sample.tuo) (sample.tuo) systems : begin file sample at line 27 fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix otf fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix OTF fontnames | 161 tree files identified, 222 hash entries added, runtime 0.203 seconds fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix ttf fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix TTF fontnames | 5 tree files identified, 7 hash entries added, runtime 0.125 seconds fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix ttc fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix TTC fontnames | 0 tree files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.125 seconds fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix afm fontnames | identifying tree font files with suffix AFM fontnames | 76 tree files identified, 65 hash entries added, runtime 0.219 seconds fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix otf fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.otf fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix OTF fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.OTF fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.063 seconds fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix ttf fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.ttf fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix TTF fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.TTF fontnames | 380 system files identified, 608 hash entries added, runtime 0.313 seconds fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix ttc fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.ttc fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix TTC fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.TTC fontnames | 1 system files identified, 4 hash entries added, runtime 0.063 seconds fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix afm fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.afm fontnames | identifying system font files with suffix AFM fontnames | globbing path C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/**.AFM fontnames | 0 system files identified, 0 hash entries added, runtime 0.063 seconds) * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and at this point I just terminated the process. Any idea? The source file is %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definefontfeature [persian] [mode=node,language=dflt,script=arab, init=yes,medi=yes,fina=yes,isol=yes, liga=yes,dlig=yes,rlig=yes,clig=yes, mark=yes,mkmk=yes,kern=yes,curs=yes] \starttypescript [serif] [persian] \definefontsynonym [Farsi-Light][name:XB Zar.ttf][features=persian] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif][persian][name] \usetypescript[serif][persian] \definefontsynonym [Serif][Farsi-Light][features=persian] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [Farsi] \definetypeface[Farsi][rm][serif][persian][default] \stoptypescript \def\FarsiGlobalDir {\pagedir TRT\bodydir TRT\pardir TRT\textdir TRT} \definestartstop [farsidocument] [commands={\usetypescript[Farsi]% \setupbodyfont[Farsi,12pt]% \FarsiGlobalDir}] \starttext \startfarsidocument ایضاً این هم همین طور است. ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹ \stopfarsidocument