Not sure whether that's the best solution or not, but your example seems to work on my side if I replace \starttable with \starttabulate and \stoptable with \stoptabulate as follows:
numeric u; u := 1cm;
draw unitsquare xyscaled (\MPvar{w}, \MPvar{h}) shifted (\MPvar{sx},\MPvar{sy}) withpen pencircle scaled 3pt withcolor \MPvar{lColor};
[\useMPgraphic{recBox}{w=2u,h=LineHeight+4pt, sx=.8u,sy=LineHeight-2pt,lColor=darkred}]
\NC \NS[2][c] q \NC\AR
\NC p\NC \NC 00 \NC 01\NC\AR
\NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4\NC\AR
\NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4\NC\AR
\NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4\NC\AR
\NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4\NC\AR
\NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4\NC\AR
Best regards,