I am (again) considering moving to ConTeXt. A few years ago I investigated the move because I have apositive impression of the quality of the ConTeXt project and because I find the standard LaTeX layouts ugly. At that time I decided against it because the first thing I tried (a list within a list) did not work and because I was under the impression that I would have to do alot of layout myself (and I have TeX for that, right?). I am thinking of using LaTeX and the memoir class. Anyway, I am still tempted. So I am investigating again. I would like to know if (and how) I can do the following in ConTeXt. I did read the manual before writing this: - Project structure for a book, chapters to be in separate files. Chapters to be processed individually when required, or better: chapter + index/toc/appendices, etc. How do you do that? I do not understand the manual here entirely and my test from a few years ago failed. - lettrine.sty (I have my own TeX code now, but lettrine is probably better) - Page layout as in a book (no whitespace between pars and indentation). Good readable. - mfpic or another way to program drawings (vectors/functions) - microtype.sty (protrusion,probably no stretching) - Optional paragraph (not line) numbering, suppressable (as in some philosophy books) - 2 output options: - Final: Large paperback size (somewhat larger than pocket) pages centered on A4 portrait paper - Draft: Two of those pages,slightly shrunk on A4 landscape paper. No fancy ordering, just page 0-1, 2-3, 4-5, etc. So, how do I do these things? I would like to try to recode a part ofmy book-project in ConTeXt to see if it works for me. Thanks, G