Le vendredi 4 janvier 2008, vous avez écrit :
On Jan 4, 2008 12:25 PM, Yvon Henel
wrote: You need to provide tha tfm file name, not pfb, I thought so (for TeX was complaining about a missing tfm) but failed to see how exactly. Thanks awfully. but there already exists a module which does that. \usesymbols[mvs] \setupsymbolset[martinvogel 2] \symbol[Telephone]
See and the corrosponding source file (symb-mvs.tex) http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Symbols/mvs
Thanks a lot. There is some discrepancies between the said module and my TeXlive (2007) distribution but I've succeeded in using "it". For those who could be interrested, I've done thus: copy symb-mvs.tex to symb-mvs2.tex in my texmf-local/tex/context inside this copy change \loadmapfile[original-base.map] into \loadmapfile[marvosym.map] and change \definefontsynonym [MartinVogel] [fmvr8x] into \definefontsynonym [MartinVogel] [umvs] don't forget to texhash and it works! Thanks a lot. -- Yvon Henel