On 8 Jul 2019, at 17:18, mf
wrote: Hello list, i've played a bit with interfaces.definecommand, that lets you define TeX macros from lua (see the "ConTeXt Lua Documents", 7.3 User interfacing).
I found that the commands defined by interfaces.definecommand fail when you pass string arguments that contain brackets.
I think cldf-int.lua needs a patch to support those kind of arguments.
FYI, it fails because definecommand() creates a \myCommand that is equivalent to this: \def\myCommand#1{\ctxlua {_clmm_('myCommand',[[#1]])}} The [[…]] is the lua multi-line string syntax, like /* */ in C. So if the #1 expands into \blank[line], that produces [[\blank[line]]] resulting in a trailing extra ‘]’, which is a lua syntax error.
In the meantime it's possible to bypass the problem passing arguments with brackets inside double braces, as in the MWE attached.
Adding a space at the end also works, but a core patch makes sense to me. Taco