Olivier said this at Wed, 31 Aug 2005 18:03:57 +0200:
Quoting "Adam Lindsay" :
-- was atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk on Aug 31, 2005 at 04:44:35PM --
Olivier said this at Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:53:56 +0200:
moreover the math font is correctly rscaled) but the tt font isn't rscaled at all. Any idea where the issue might come from?
I suspect it's in your local specifics. As we don't have access to your rfont/mfont/tfont typescripts,
\starttypescript [mono] [my-officina] [texnansi] \definefontsynonym [MY-Officina][texnansi-LIGA-KERN-OfficinaSerifStd-Book] [encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript
Well, in testing, I used the locally-defined pcrr8t in the place of the file you cite, but your example works for me. I tested (just in case) if it was something to do with the OTF conversion (highly unlikely), but the following lines added to your typescripts (calling a locally-installed font) did what was expected: \loadmapfile[texnansi-LIGA-KERN-adobe-myriad] \starttypescript [sans] [myriad] [texnansi] \definefontsynonym [myriadreg] [texnansi-LIGA-KERN-MyriadPro-SemiCn] [encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [sans] [myriad] [name] \setups[font:fallback:sans] \definefontsynonym [Sans] [myriadreg] \stoptypescript \definetypeface [MyFnt] [ss] [sans] [myriad] [default][rscale=0.6,encoding=texnansi]
It's ok since I get the correct font, just it isn't rscaled. THe mechanism seems to work well here however since the euler font is correctly rscaled.
The information is all I put in the typescript for the tt font.
All I can ask now is: ConTeXt version? How do you call the font in your text/for testing? -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk Lancaster University, InfoLab21 +44(0)1524/510.514 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-