Am 06.12.2012 um 19:05 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
On Thu, 6 Dec 2012, Peter Rolf wrote:
Hi all,
a first version of the 'drops'-module (MkIV only) is available at
Taken from the included documentation.. [..] 'drops' is a small extension for ConTeXt, that allows you to add drop shadows to rectangular regions (so called boxshadows). A working installation of ImageMagick (IM) is required to create the shadow graphics. The supported color spaces are CMYK, RGB and Gray, the file formats are limited to PNG and JPG. [..] Read the manual for detailed information.
The module would be cleaner with a MkIV rewrite and I would drop the option to accept each module parameter with \usemodule. I would also create a new namespace for the \setupdrops command because currently it uses the “module” namespace. \def\dosetupdrops[#1]% {\iffirstargument\getparameters[\??module drops:][#1,{\c!setup=}]\else % never parameter 'setup' \ctxlua{thirddata.drops.resetdrops()}\fi} % reset all parameters to their default, when no argument is given Wolfgang