I tried to generate "Figure 9.2 An example of a graphic with labels along the axes." in metafun-p.pdf (p.209), but could get only graphics without labels. I used the codes in the page 208 as follows (see the attached file) \startMPpage StartPage ; ... codes in p.208 here ... StopPage ; \stopMPpage In this case, the generated MPS file (ch93-1-mpgraph.1) had the bounding box (0, 0, 420, 596). When I used \startuseMPgraphic instead of \startMPpage, the generated MPS file had the different bounding box (-47, -17, 300, 575), and I could see the right one. Please tell me what I missed. Best, ChoF. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** | Cho, Jin-Hwan == ChoF | ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o | Dept. of Mathematics | --- | The University of Suwon | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Korean TeX Users Group | | | http://www.ktug.or.kr | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | chofchof@ktug.or.kr | *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~