Dnia Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 01:29:07PM +0100, Hans Hagen napisał(a):
Marcin Borkowski wrote:
However, I tried \startitemize[1] and it didn't work (neither at my computer nor in online ConTeXt, with the example I have provided on my user page).
[n=1] I tried
============================================================== \setupitemize[1][n,intro] \setupitemize[2][a,paragraph,intro,columns,two][stopper=)] \starttext \startitemize \item Item one \item Sub-itemize: \startitemize \item sub-one \item sub-two \item sub-three \item sub-four \stopitemize \item Sub-itemize with one column: \startitemize[n=1] \item A \item B \item C \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext ============================================================== on the online ConTeXt (MkIV). Didn't work...
Please do not think that I am angry at you, Hans, or anything like that; I really admire your (and not only your) work with ConTeXt. But I am a bit disappointed - and hope that itemizations will eventually work. And now I guess I'll have to work this around in some nasty way (most probably, I'll just do the only one-column itemization by hand).
well, although tex can do a lot, there are limitations; column related stuff for instance is a matter of programming all possible aspects of it; and there can be conflicting demands
I believe that. Nested itemizations (possibly with columns) are definitely non-trivial.
And you may be pretty sure that I will be a good beta-tester for the itemization stuff - as I already told, I use itemizations a lot, together with math, nesting itemizations, two-column ones etc. For the purpose of testing any new things in this area I'm leaving the examples on my user page, too.
ok; but as mentioned before only mkiv will have improved itemizations
I know, I've already installed MkIV on my texlive.
PS. Looking back at the steady progress of ConTeXt & luatex, I am pretty sure that this _will_ be solved in finite time anyway, so I can just \relax, wait and then test and provide feedback;).
Well, it's just true:).
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) - Why are vim users so terribly egocentric? - Because they begin every sentence with `I'.