I want interaction at the subsubsection level but not higher. I have turned off line numbers for section and subsection. However both these levels remain interactive. The whole line is blue. I tried interaction=pagenumber, interaction=sectionnumber, interaction=no, interaction=none, and no interaction parameter at all at these levels. Nevertheless the whole entry remains interactive. some code: \setupcolors[state=start] \setuphead[chapter][head=nomarking,number=no] \setuphead[section][number=no,textcommand=\bf] \setuphead[subsection][number=no] \setuphead[subsubsection][number=no] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=blue] \setuplist[section][alternative=f,style=bold,interaction=sectionnumber] \setuplist[subsection][alternative=f,interaction=no] \setuplist[subsubsection][alternative=a,interaction=all] The good news is that I found a handy way to bookmark just the index in Acrobat Reader. I filched some code from an old Han The Thanh file: \pdfcatalog{/PageMode /UseOutlines} % bookmark window open \newcount\marknumber \marknumber=1 \def\bookmark#1#2{% \pdfdest num \marknumber xyz \pdfoutline goto num \marknumber count #1 {#2} \advance\marknumber by 1} ................. \bookmark{0}{Index} \placecontent ................... The explanation of the format of the \pdfoutline command in the manual wasn't clear to me but the above macro clears it up. -- John Culleton http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf