Thank you Mikael,
this works!
On Dez. 2 2023, at 7:46 pm, Mikael Sundqvist
I don't know if \startMPinclusions \stopMPinclusions shall work with \startMPpage and \stopMPpage. In this case, one can use a separate graphics:
\startuseMPgraphic{base} picture p[]; path TheFrame ; TheFrame := fullsquare scaled 5in ; z1 = (60,40); z2 = (40,90); z3 = (10,70);
p1:=image( label("Word 1", z1); );
p2:=image( label("Mot 2", z2); );
p3:=image( label("Parola 3", z3); );
\stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \dorecurse{3}{ % Frame \startMPpage[pagestate=start] \includeMPgraphic{base} currentime := #1 ; % Just for learning : draw TheFrame withpen pencircle scaled .1in withcolor magenta ; draw textext("T="&decimal(currentime)) scaled 2 shifted(0,2in) withcolor magenta ; for k=1 upto currentime: addto currentpicture also p[k]; endfor setbounds currentpicture to TheFrame ;
desiredformat := 1080;% In pixels (will be converted by default at 72dpi) currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (desiredformat ,desiredformat ); \stopMPpage }
\stoptext /Mikael On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 6:14 PM Emanuel Han via ntg-context
wrote: Hi Mikael,
here's a very simple mwe for the label(textext()) issue. On page 1, the text "Word 1" should be drawn in position z1. On page 2, the same text in the same position should be visible, and the text "Mot 2" in position p2 should be added. And so on.
picture p[]; path TheFrame ; TheFrame := fullsquare scaled 5in ;
z1 = (60,40); z2 = (40,90); z3 = (10,70);
p1:=image( label(textext("Word 1"), z1); );
p2:=image( label(textext("Mot 2"), z2); );
p3:=image( label(textext("Parola 3"), z3); );
\dorecurse{3}{ % Frame \startMPpage[pagestate=start] currentime := #1 ; % Just for learning : draw TheFrame withpen pencircle scaled .1in withcolor magenta ; draw textext("T="&decimal(currentime)) scaled 2 shifted(0,2in) withcolor magenta ; for k=1 upto currentime: draw p[k]; endfor setbounds currentpicture to TheFrame ;
desiredformat := 1080;% In pixels (will be converted by default at 72dpi) currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (desiredformat ,desiredformat );
\stopMPpage }
On Dez. 2 2023, at 5:22 pm, Mikael Sundqvist
wrote: Hi Emanuel,
I am not sure I understand your question, and since you use fonts that i do not have, I cannot test your example as is. But, maybe, if you want to redraw a picture, you can do
addto currentpicture also p1;
where you want it.
PS For the text thing, I did not get it. Could one have a _very simple_ example showing only that problem and no other problem?
On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 12:58 PM fv leung
wrote: You didn't specify the color of path A in p2 and p4. So it's drawn in black. The other issue, I can't help.
Emanuel Han via ntg-context
於 2023年12月2日 週六 下午7:23寫道: So is there a way to circumvent these issues? Or an explanation for this behavior, so that I can try to find a solution by myself?
Thanks Emanuel
On Nov. 29 2023, at 12:25 pm, Emanuel Han via ntg-context
wrote: Dear Aditya and Fabrice, thanks for your responses.
I included some of Fabrice's code into mine for testing purpose, and indeed the multipage works now. What is bizarre is that issues appear now that didn't appear before:
Path A is drawn with color red on page 1, and in color black on all following pages, while it should stay red. textext(<text>, <pair>) is overwriting <text> with "T="&decimal(currentime) which has been used previously in textext() before the for k=1 endfor loop. This overwriting happens only for the first textext() which occurs inside the for k=1 endfor loop. All other textext() inside the for k=1 endfor loop are not drawn at all. If the line « draw textext("T="&decimal(currentime)) scaled 2 shifted(0,2in) withcolor magenta ; » is commented out, the first textext() inside the for k=1 endfor loop is not drawn neither. It must be an issue with textext(), because when I replace textext() by lmt_outline[], the text is drawn.
Adjusted mwe:
\enableregime[utf] % enable unicoded input
\definefontfamily [RomanFont] [rm] [calluna]
\definefontfamily [KoreanFont] [rm] [applemyungjo]
\definefontfamily [JapaneseFont] [rm] [hannotatesc]
\definefontfeature [fea] [mode=node,language=dflt,script=arab, init=yes, medi=yes, fina=yes, isol=yes, calt=yes, rlig=yes, tlig=yes, trep=yes, curs=yes, kern=yes, mark=yes ]
\starttypescript [serif] [notonaskharabic] \definefontsynonym [notonaskharabic-Light] [name:notonaskharabic] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [notonaskharabic-Bold] [name:notonaskharabic] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [notonaskharabic-Italic] [name:notonaskharabic] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [notonaskharabic-Bold-Italic] [name:notonaskharabic] [features=fea] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [serif] [notonaskharabic] \usetypescript[serif][fallback] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [notonaskharabic-Light] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [notonaskharabic-Italic] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [notonaskharabic-Bold] [features=fea] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [notonaskharabic-Bold-Italic] [features=fea] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [notonaskharabic] \definetypeface [notonaskharabic] [rm] [serif] [notonaskharabic] [default] \stoptypescript
\setupbodyfont [RomanFont]
picture p[]; path TheFrame ; TheFrame := fullsquare scaled 5in ;
z0 = (0,0); z1 = (60,40); z2 = (40,90); z3 = (10,70); z4 = (30,50); z5 = (90,70); z6 = (-10,70);
path A; A = z0..z1..z2..z3..z4 ; pair AStartPoint; AStartPoint = point 0 of A; pair AEndPoint; AEndPoint = point 4 of A; path B; B = z5..z6; pair BStartPoint; BStartPoint = point 0 of B; pair BEndPoint; BEndPoint = point 1 of B; path C; C = AStartPoint..AEndPoint;
p1:=image( draw A withcolor red; );
p2:=image(draw A; label(lmt_outline [ text = "\JapaneseFont 日本語" ], AEndPoint););
p3:=image( label(textext("\notonaskharabic \textdir TRT دانگ") scaled 1.2, BStartPoint); );
p4:=image(draw A; label(lmt_outline [ text = "\KoreanFont 한국어" ], AStartPoint););
p5:=image( label(textext("bāng"), BEndPoint); draw C withcolor green; );
p6:=image( draw B withcolor blue; ); \stopMPinclusions
\dorecurse{6}{ % Frame \setupMPpage[background=color, backgroundcolor=SpringGreen] \startMPpage[pagestate=start] currentime := #1 ; % Just for learning : draw TheFrame withpen pencircle scaled .1in withcolor magenta ; draw textext("T="&decimal(currentime)) scaled 2 shifted(0,2in) withcolor magenta ; for k=1 upto currentime: draw p[k]; endfor setbounds currentpicture to TheFrame ;
desiredformat := 1080;% In pixels (will be converted by default at 72dpi) currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (desiredformat ,desiredformat );
\stopMPpage }
\stoptext On Nov. 27 2023, at 11:25 pm, Aditya Mahajan
wrote: On Mon, 27 Nov 2023, Fabrice L wrote:
It is fun fact very easy to do. You just use \startMPpage (…) \stopMPpage multiple times. Here is an example which build an animation of a particle moving according to a Brownian motion.
A very similar option is to pass a variable to a metapost drawing. This is what I use:
It only works when viewed in acrobat, you can just comment out the animation part and wrap it in \startTEXpage .. \stopTEXpage to get multi-page animation.
Aditya___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
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