On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:44:34 -0500
"Bruce D'Arcus"
The sample docs are exactly the kind of thing I was looking! Any chance you can provide the source file for the sample pdf? ...
Anyone who wants to see sources, contact me directly and specify what example you need. This is from a book-length project, so I really ought to make smaller examples.
Also, regarding the Fontsite CD scripts (thanks for this too!), you mention Christopher League's similar project for LaTeX, and that your's is not as ambitious. One thing that I know some people have run into with these fonts is problems with spacing and kerning. I know that League's project actually corrects some of these problems.
Have you done that as well? Or might you make use of some of those tweaks from his project? Or do you have any other suggestions?
No, I haven't done anything further, or even sampled most of the fonts other than looking at single lines. I believe that correcting kerning, etc, means getting into "fontinst," which I know nothing about. And doesn't it require LaTeX? of which I am also ignorant. I can imagine more logical TeX font tools, but (a) don't want to reinvent the wheel, (b) don't have time anyway. -Bill -- Sattre Press Tales of War http://sattre-press.com/ by Lord Dunsany info@sattre-press.com http://tow.sattre-press.com/