Per the Chicago Manual of Style divider pages and their blank versos do not show page numbers but are included in the page count, just like any other pages. However the \part macro excludes them from the page numbering sequence altogether. And my current customer at least wants roman rather than arabic numerals. After many false starts I came up with this macro: ------------------------------------------------------------- \def\Part#1#2#3{% \page[yes] \ifodd\pageno \else \noheaderandfooterlines \null \page[yes] \fi \noheaderandfooterlines \writetolist[part]{}{#1: #2 #3} \nimbux \null \vskip 2in \centerline{Part #1} \vskip 15pt \centerline{#2} \vskip 15pt \centerline{#3} \vfil \rm \page[yes] } ---------------------------------------------- The first parameter is the roman numeral. Automatic numbering is not needed for just five parts. Note colon inserted for the TOC. It isn't needed on the page itself. If the part title is short then the third parameter is simply left blank. \nimbux has a simple font defintition. A typesectipt would have been too much effort for this single use: \font\nimbux texnansi-n019044t at 33bp %Nimbus bold sans condensed -- John Culleton Resources for every author and publisher: http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf http://wexfordpress.com/tex/packagers.pdf http://www.creativemindspress.com/newbiefaq.htm http://www.gropenassoc.com/TopLevelPages/reference%20desk.htm