On Thu, 4 Mar 2010, James Fisher wrote:
I'm not saying that a dcvs is useless for documentation or manuals. But without contributors a dcvs can be practically useless, and the only contributors for manuals actually are Taco for luatex and Hans for Context mkiv.
Why are they the only contributors?
Because no one else (myself included) has actually contributed anything to the documentation Compare http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/contextman/scmsvn/?action=ScmStats vs the number of "developers" http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/contextman/ To be honest, other people have contributed, especially in translations of the documentations, and documenting some exotic features. But most beginner level and user documentation is written by Hans and Taco. In my opinion, it is hard to write coherent documentation in a distrbuted manner (different writing styles, etc.). You are saying that it is just a matter of having the right infrastructure. Judging by the way things have evolved in the past, I am not so sure. If you really want to test how online documentation will work, you can try to convert parts of the beginners document to html. Compare http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/contextman/scmsvn/?action=browse&path=%2Fcontext-beginners%2Fen%2Fma-cb-en-itemizations.tex&view=markup with what you are writing using sphinx. Aditya