Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:05:41 +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
\usetypescript[postscript][\defaultencoding] \setupencoding[default=texnansi] \mainlanguage[de] \enableregime[mac]
\setupbodyfont[postscript,10pt] \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt]
\definepapersize[MyPage][width=15.7cm,height=23.2cm] \setuppapersize[MyPage][A4] \setuplayout [width=113mm,height=576pt, backspace=20mm,topspace=15mm, header=12pt,headerdistance=6pt, footer=42pt,footerdistance=0pt, location=middle,marking=on,grid=no]
\def\setnotebodyfont {\let\setnotebodyfont\relax \restoreglobalbodyfont \switchtobodyfont[rm,9pt]\setupinterlinespace[line=9.8pt]\parskip2pt} \starttext Test 1.\footnote{BVerwGE 17, 306, 309; 65, 167, 174; {\em D╴rig}, in: Maunz{|/|}D╴rig, GG, Sonderdruck, Art.\,2~I Rn.\,48; auch heute wird dies noch z.\,T. so gesehen, z.\,B. bei {\em Arndt}, in: Steiner, BesVerwR, VII~B, Rn.\,131; {\em Sch╴nemann}, in: Gro╴ Komm. UWG, Rn.\,A~65; auch das \"O OVG M╴nster, NWVBl. 2005, 68, 70, scheint die grundrechtlich gesch╴tzte Wettbewerbsfreiheit nicht als eine Auspr╴gung der Berufsfreiheit zu sehen.}
Test 2.\footnote{{\em R.~Schmidt}, ╴ff. Wirtschaftsrecht, AT, S.\,163; {\em Manssen}, in: v.\,Mangoldt|\,/\,|Klein|\,/\,|Starck, GG, Bd.\,1, Art.\,12 Abs.\,1, Rn.\,70; {\em Schliesky}, Offentliches \"O Wettbewerbsrecht, S.\,197; {\em Tsiliotis}, Wettbewerbsfreiheit, S.\,65, mit vielen weiteren Nachweisen.} \stoptext
What is the difference between footnote 1 and footnote 2, why does the \"O on footnote 1 fit in its line and not in footnote 2? There have both interlinespace[line=9.8pt] ...
the height and depth of the line as calculated by tex based on the actual text; 9.8 pt lineheight is nog enough to squeeze the char with the most height and depth in so you need to choose a larger value than 9.8pt (and maybe set lineskip to 0pt)
The awkward thing about this is that the chosen values are given by the publishers...
After some trying I saw that interlinespace[line=10.6pt] instead of 9.8pt would work. But this far beyond. The document I am working on is to be published as part of a series. So I can't change the footnote's interlinespace from 9.8pt to 10.6pt!
Is there truly no other workaround?
hi steffen, you can try to lower the baseline for the footnotes by changing the relation of height and depth. this way you get a different \strut (same total height, but bigger height part). i think the \strut command is also the cause of the different appearance in your two examples (add \showstruts after \startext; \strut and Ö in the same line..). try something like setupinterlinespace[line=9.8pt,height=.79,depth=.21] the values are font dependent and probably don't fit here (taken from my experiments with ms-sansserif). if i remember it right the default values are height=.72 and depth=.28 . hth, peter
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