On 30 Jun 2014, at 15:08, Joshua Krämer
Dear list,
I would like to have in a bibliography only surnames in small capitals, like this:
(Müller and Schneider appear in small caps, but everything else like "and" is still in the default typeface.)
At the moment, I'm using the old bibliography system. I am a bit overwhelmed by the new system, because I would have to setup everything from the beginning, as I have setup my layouts with \setuppublicationlayout.
Now my questions are:
Is it possible to achieve what I want (SC surnames) with the old and the new system?
Yes, in principle.
If I would do it with the old system, am I right that I would have to redefine \normalauthor or define my own author command?
You would define your own command. Something like \def\myinvertedauthor#1#2#3#4#5% {{\sc #3}% \bibdoif{#1}{\bibalternative{surnamesep}#4\unskip}% \bibdoifelse{#2}{\bibalternative{vonsep}#2\unskip}{\unskip}% \bibdoifelse{#5}{\bibalternative{juniorsep}#5\unskip}{\unskip}% }
How could it be done with the new system? I've tried to understand the file "publ-imp-apa.mkvi", but there's only an "author" value, and I don't understand how to access the name components (first name, last name etc.).
The interface isn’t finished yet, so you’ll have to wait a bit. But this is a good occasion to remind Hans that formatting needs for bibliographies can vary widely, so we need as much configurability as possible. Thomas