Jeong Dal mailto:haksan@me.com 28. Juli 2016 um 15:17 Dear Fabrice and Wolfgang,
I tried the following code of yours, but I got “! undefined control sequence” error. Would you please tell me where I should to correct?
Thank you so much,
Best regards,
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupbodyfont[pagella,11pt]
\defineframedtext [MyFrame] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, %width=\textwidth, width=max, height=fit, style=italic]
\definelabel [Définition] [headstyle=\bf\smallcaps]
\startuseMPgraphic{MyFrame} path b; picture p; %p := textext.rt("\white\Définition"); p := textext.rt("\white\framedtextparamemter{Title}"); You have a extra "m" in \framedtextparameter (fourth letter from the end).