Yanrui Li wrote:
2009/12/31 Tad Ashlock
mailto:taashlo@cyberdude.com> The attached sample doesn't meet the original poster's criteria. It produces headings like "1.1 alpha" and "1.1.1 a" instead of the requested "1 alpha" and "1.1 a". Is there any way of achieving this? (Under "Part 1", of course. That's the trick.)
Hi Tad,
The attached sample works ok for me. Can you give me your result which the sample prodeces?
-- Best regards,
Li Yanrui
They are attached as "test.tex" (the test input), "test.pdf" and
"test.log". Notice how the chapter numbers are "x.y" (where 'x' = 'Part
#') instead of just "y" as originally requested. I point this out
because I've tried to get ConTeXt to do structure numbering like this in
the past and have had to postpone it due to lack of time.
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