On 4 déc. 2012, at 17:38, Hans Hagen
concerning the bug reports …
Hi Hans, Thank you for the fixes and adding the commands \notin and \imply: I did some testing with your examples and others of my own, and it seems that some of the issues are fixed. However with \enablemode[lmmath] the command \notin does not work as expected, while when the above command is commented out it does. Another issue is that the size of integrals when using palatino, times or termes is the almost the same as the ones in inline maths, and I think that this is not the correct behaviour. The examples I tested are essentially yours: %%%%%% %\enablemode[lmmath] %\setupbodyfont[xits] %\setupbodyfont[palatino] %\setupbodyfont[dejavu] %\setupbodyfont[times] %\setupbodyfont[termes] \starttext \startformula \hbox{not = :} \not= \stopformula \startformula \hbox{notin :} \notin \stopformula \startformula \hbox{Longrightarrow :} \Longrightarrow \stopformula \startformula \hbox{not in :} \not\in \stopformula \startformula \hbox{iff :} \iff \stopformula \startformula \hbox{mapsto :} \mapsto \stopformula \startformula \hbox{int :} \int_{0}^\pi f(x)dx \stopformula \startformula \hbox{iint :} \iint_{\Omega} f(x)dx \stopformula \startformula \hbox{iiint :} \iiint_{{\Bbb R}^3} f(x)dx \stopformula \stoptext %%%%%%%% Best regards: OK