On Fri 23 Sep 2011, Christian wrote:
The only flaw of this workaround (besides not being the 'proper way') is that the first '(' is not part of the link and therefore not green (but then again, I'll probably set the color of the link to black, anyway).
A Fix of linked \cite[alternative=authoryears][reference] still would be nice ;)
I've figured out what the problem was: the \setupcite only affects the default authoryear citation style, so if using authoryears (or any others) they need to be explicitly specified. Changing the \setupcite to \setupcite[authoryear,authoryears][interaction=start,compress=no] makes links work for authoryears citations as well. In this case only the author and year are linkified, not the parentheses or page numbers, but at least it's symmetrical. Pont