On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 4:15 PM Ulrike Fischer
Am Thu, 22 Nov 2018 14:46:57 +0100 schrieb luigi scarso:
==== A palette entry index value of 0xFFFF is a special case indicating that the text foreground color (defined by a higher-level client) should be used and shall not be treated as actual index into CPAL ColorRecord array. ====
" the text foreground color (defined by a higher-level client) should be used" doesn't mean "you MUST take the current color text" or even "you MUST use black" In fact "defined by a higher-level client" means that I could define a palette such that each glyph marked with 0xFFFF has its own color based on my palette --- not necessarily the *same* color.
Sounds as if there is some room for interpretation ;-). But assume that I want in my example the 0xFFFF to be interpretated as "the current text color", so the currently blue glyphs should be black, and if I add \color[red] before the text they should be red. Can and if yes how this be setup? (Both in context and in generic)
no, at this moment is fixed, but we are discussing just now how to implement this. -- luigi