Hello, since ConTeXt supports form fields in PDFs, I wonder whether the fields for digital signatures are available as well. If not, please consider this a feature request/wish :-) I received an internal document some time ago that represented a form and was separated into three parts. Part one was to be filled out by the employee (in this case: me). Under this part was a signature field I could click which made Adobe Reader prompt for a digital certificate. After I selected that, information about this certificate appeared inside that form field I just clicked. The other form fields were automatically locked afterwards. If I wanted to change them, I would have to remove my signature. Parts two and three were similar, but meant for management. They needed to sign my request which in turn locked their edit fields. So in other words: I would like to create such forms with ConTeXt :-) I hate these work flows where people are told to "print out form x, sign it and send the scanned copy via email" instead of just signing it digitally. It would also come in handy for technical and business documents that need to be signed by the customer (for example an Interface Document, System Design, Use Case, whatever). I hope that is not completely out of scope for ConTeXt and not too hard to implement. Otherwise I guess I won't see that feature for a long time. Thanks anyway; at least for reading this :-) -- Best Regards, Andreas