Hello all, I've discovered the magic of structureuservariabl and have therefore converted all my headings to use the start/stop syntax. It's raised a few quick questions though: 1. Is \startchapter \stopchapter etc the "proper way" to do things from now on? Or is it really just up to the user? 2. Is there a way to provide a default value for a structureuservariable? I'd like to set a reference number based on a global counter if the user doesn't supply their own. 3. In a similar vein - is it possible to define a reference for a section if the user doesn't provide one. E.g. if they provide \startchapter[title=My Example Chapter] instead of: \startchapter[chap:examplechapter][title=My Example Chapter] can I set the reference for them? (I will have some sections that could be usefully auto-referenced). Many thanks in advance, Felix