Hi, it's my first message on this list. I've searched in ConTeXt manuals, TeX.SX and here, but couldn't find a way to achieve these 4 requirements altogether: 1. Place a figure as full-page figure 2. Change orientation accordingly (if it's a landscape PDF, for instance) 3. Make that using \setupfloat (or other setup), not directly in \placefloat 4. Place captions in another page (ideally on opposite page) Problems: - I can't get # 1 and # 3 at same time - \setupfloat doesn't have before option, which I could use to change orientation - I have no idea how to accomplish # 4 A minimal working example (PDF in attachment): %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definepapersize[default][A4, portrait] \definelayout[default][topspace=0.6cm, topdistance=0cm, header=1cm, headerdistance=0cm, height=27.3cm, footer=0cm, backspace=4.2cm, width=13.6cm] \setuppapersize[default] \setuplayout[default] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided, location={header}] \setupexternalfigures[location={default}] \definepapersize[rotate][A4, landscape] \definefloat[bigfigure][bigfigures][figure] \setupfloat[bigfigure][default={page}, width=1\textwidth, height=1\textheight, before={\setuppapersize[rotate]}] % there's no before in setupfloat \setupcaption[bigfigure][location={opposite}] % there's no opposite location in setupcaption \starttext \showframe \dorecurse{2}{\input{knuth}} \setuppapersize[rotate] % this doesn't work because is in same page \startplacebigfigure[title={A cow}]{\externalfigure[cow]}\stopplacebigfigure \setuppapersize[default] \dorecurse{2}{\input{knuth}} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks in advance! José Neto