Maybe someone had the same problem, no ?
Best regards.
-- Cédric
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 09:19, Cedric Mauclair
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 16:45, Cedric Mauclair
wrote: Hi list,
How can I get a numbered equation when using cases in MkIV? The "hack" proposed by Aditya in [1] doesn't work as it uses macros that no longer exist (\makesesctionnumber and others). The reference doesn't even get recorded. I precise that I don't want (well, don't need) the sub numbering per-line, just a regular number would do.
Minimal example:
My equation \in[eq:equation] and my other equation \in[eq:other-equation].
\placeformula[eq:equation] \startformula E = mc^2 \stopformula
\placeformula[eq:equation] Typo \placeformula[eq:other-equation]. Still doesn't work. \startformula \startcases \NC E = mc^2 \NC some text\NR \NC E = mc^2 \NC some more text\NR \stopcases \stopformula
[1] http://dl.contextgarden.net/myway/mathalign.pdf
-- Cédric