On 08/17/2018 11:04 AM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hello, I want to create a template with a header on the first page for student testing. If the document contains text that is on more than one page, it works perfectly. On the other hand, if the document has text on one page, it does not work.
Hi Fabrice, I think it works when you use: \definelayout [1] [firstpage] I mean, "1" instead of "first". At least, it shows the header on the first and only page on my computer. I hope it helps, Pablo
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=,location=] \showframe \definelayout [firstpage] [topspace=10mm, header=10mm, footer=10mm, height=middle, backspace=20mm, width=middle]
\definelayout [first] [firstpage] \setuplayout [topspace=10mm, header=\zeropoint, footer=10mm, height=middle, backspace=20mm, width=middle]
\setupbackgrounds [header] [text] [frame=off, topframe=on, bottomframe=on, framecolor=red, rulethickness=1pt]
\setupheadertexts [First page]
\starttext \dorecurse{8}{\input knuth} % ok
% \dorecurse{8}{\input knuth} no ok \stoptext