On 29 Jul 2014, Hans Hagen
Can you check if this gives the wanted effects:
\setupsimplelist [\v!sorting] [\c!headstyle=\simplelistparameter\c!synonymstyle, \c!headcolor=\simplelistparameter\c!synonymcolor, \c!style=\simplelistparameter\c!textstyle, \c!color=\simplelistparameter\c!textcolor]
Yes it does, but for a mixed list it seems too general.
This would have worked ok too:
This one works OK.
These lists have become more sophisticated deep down.
And Wolfgang Schuster
You have to use abbreviation (singular form)
Use the optional argument:
\abbreviation[EM]{\em EM}{?}
This works perfectly too. Thank you both, Hans and Wolfgang. Almost embarras du choix now. KInd regards, Robert