Am 26.08.2007 um 16:01 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Does this also cover the following: The Problem of a word with |\-| moving at the and of a line and thus loosing the hyphen (see below).
\- is meant to work that way -)
try |-|
That doesn't help here. I meant those trick situations which were discussed in that thread below:
Von: Hans Hagen
Datum: 20. März 2007 07:24:20 MEZ An: mailing list for ConTeXt users Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] broken: noligature AND hyphenation Antwort an: mailing list for ConTeXt users Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Just for the records:
One has to be careful with this kind of avoiding ligatures. In most cases it works perfect, but when the word moves towards the end of the line and should be broken then the hyphen misses!
But I guess there is no solution that fits *both* situations: regularly on a line and cross lines?
not yet, luatex will be more clever
Is Mark IV already that clever? Mark II wasn't. Run the following test please. \starttext \showframe \switchtobodyfont[rm,24pt] test test test test test test test test Auflage Auflage% ligature is wrong here test test test test test test test test Auf|\-|lage Auf|\-|lage% no- ligature is right, but missing at the line end test test test test test test test test Auf|-|lage Auf|-|lage% right behaviour at the line end, but a mess otherwise \stoptext What should be done? Steffen