Hi, The ConText Garden wiki has numerous short example sprinkled throughout its pages. I presume that they are hard-coded in the page. if the example breaks (due to a ConTeXt bug or backwards-incompatible enhancement), I imagine there is no notification. What do you think about creating a repository of examples that are included by embedding a website address instead of direct text? For example: 1. User visits wiki. 2. User edits a page (e.g., Command/setuphead). 3. User names and uploads a .tex document. 4. System generates unique hyperlink for .tex document. 5. System generates and includes embed code into wiki page, such as: <context href="http://wiki.contextgarden.net/context/examples/file.tex" /> <context href="/context/examples/file.tex" /> Also, source="yes" and mode="mkiv" should be the default. Then, if the person editing the page wants to include the output, the full example might resemble: <context href="/context/examples/file.tex"> This produces: <context output="yes" href="/context/examples/file.tex"> Having the complete examples separated allows the snippets to be tested automatically. Broken .tex examples (unless explicitly flagged) would result in notifications being sent to the page maintainer(s). A broken example could be flagged as: <context notify="no" href="/context/examples/file.tex"> Another advantage is that all the examples could be downloaded and possibly referenced in other media. Kindest regards.