Hi, It has taken quite some time. ... now I would like to get started with Luatex. I have installed justtex, upgraded context to the latest version, upgraded the binaries to the latest version (Version snapshot-0.20.2-2007121720 (Web2C 7.5.6)). luatools --generate texexec --lua --make --all texexec --make --all My testfile is: \enableregime[utf] \starttext There is text. \stoptext ConTeXt ver: 2007.12.26 20:00 MKIV fmt: 2007.12.26 int: english/ english ... This went wrong: ...luatex/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/base/font- otf.lua:1759: table index is nil . <to be read again> \relax \xxdododefinefont ...tspec {#4}\newfontidentifier \let \localrelativefontsiz... \fontstrategy ...ame #1\csname #2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse \fi <inserted text> ...yle \fontalternative \fontsize \fi \iftryingfont \fontstr... \synchronizefont ...strategy \the \fontstrategies \relax \fi \ifskipfontchar... <argument> \getvalue {\@style@ \fontstyle } \edef \fontstyle {\fontstyle }\if... ... l.1 Humble, my stupid question is: what is wrong here? Willi