Hi all, in particular Mojca, Since yesterday updating, or installing anew, the minimals via the CLI does not work anymore. Here is the output I get: %%%%%%%%% begining of the transcript MacKavian:context-minimal kavian$ sh first-setup.sh receiving file list ... done sent 37 bytes received 132 bytes 48.29 bytes/sec total size is 5787294 speedup is 34244.34 MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /Volumes/OK-10.4/context- minimal/bin MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to /Volumes/OK-10.4/context- minimal MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /Volumes/OK-10.4 MTXrun | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} MTXrun | fileio: no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) MTXrun | using script: ./bin/mtx-update.lua MTXrun | state: loaded MTXrun | update: start ./bin/mtx-update.lua:266: attempt to get length of global 'individual' (a nil value) %%%%%%%%% end of the transcript (My own installation and update works fine but when I wanted to install the minimals on a friend's machine, I noticed the above strange behaviour). The question is: is something broken or has the procedure changed? Thanks in advance: OK