On 2016-01-26, at 08:34, Jan U. Hasecke
Am 25.01.2016 um 21:11 schrieb Saša Janiška:
How does ConTeXt compare for the purpose vs LaTeX/Beamer?
For the sake of completeness, have a look at Pandoc, which produces presentations from simple markdown sources in various formats including beamer and some nice looking html based presentations.
Also, Org-mode, which has markup similar to Markdown (but better), and can export to a variety of formats (including Beamer and e.g. reveal.js; unfortunately, there's no ConTeXt support, but adding it is a questions of a few hours of simple Emacs Lisp hacking). I heard reports of Vim-ers switching to Emacs because of Org. Turn to the dark side, we have cookies!!! Bwahahaha! (Side note: despite jokes, I have a high respect for Vim. Its UI is plain genius, even if I do not like it personally. The idea of "text objects" and operations on them is really great. I even use hjkl for movement when coding in Elisp, using abo-abo's "lispy" package. The main advantage of Emacs over Vim is not the UI, but the hackability. Also, E & V have different basic assumptions: Vim is much closer to the Unix philosophy, while Emacs does a similar thing, but not on the OS level, but within itself. IOW, Vim is built on top of Unix, and Emacs largely "replaces" it.) Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Adam Mickiewicz University