On Jan 16, 2008 6:49 PM, Taco Hoekwater
Is texexec for some reason not actually running luatex here?
Yes ...
chesky@maxwell:~/Documents/tex practice$ texexec --lutex hello_lua.tex
--luatex, not --lutex
Good eye! But now the problem looks different: chesky@maxwell:~/Documents/tex practice$ cat hello_lua.tex \starttext Hello World \ctxlua{a = 1.5 ; b = 1.8 ; c = a*b ; tex.print(c) ;} \stoptext chesky@maxwell:~/Documents/tex practice$ texexec --luatex hello_lua.tex TeXExec | processing document 'hello_lua.tex' TeXExec | no ctx file found TeXExec | tex processing method: context TeXExec | TeX run 1 TeXExec | writing option file hello_lua.top TeXExec | using randomseed 734 TeXExec | tex engine: luatex TeXExec | tex format: cont-en LuaTools | using format name ///home/chesky/luatex-cache/context/192d6cc536013c8f36d612384a3a539c/formats/cont-en.fmt LuaTools | no luc/lua with name ///home/chesky/luatex-cache/context/192d6cc536013c8f36d612384a3a539c/formats/cont-en LuaTools | LuaTools | runtime: 0.012 seconds TeXUtil | parsing file hello_lua.tui TeXUtil | check loading of file 'hello_lua', begin/end problem TeXUtil | shortcuts : 0 TeXUtil | expansions: 0 TeXUtil | reductions: 0 TeXUtil | divisions : 0 TeXUtil | loaded files: 1 TeXUtil | temporary files: 0 TeXUtil | commands: 3 TeXUtil | programs: 0 TeXUtil | tuo file saved TeXExec | runtime: 0.399001 chesky@maxwell:~/Documents/tex practice$ ...and no PDF file is generated. Any clues as to what I'm still doing wrong? --Joel