On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 16:14:33 +0000
Jethro Djan via ntg-context
2. How do I get CoTeXt to recognise the ref.bib file when I run the components not the product?
For context, I don’t want the references printed at the end of each chapter but I would like the in-text citation to work (if that is possible). If not, is it possible compile the whole product but only output a certain page range?
You need to include the \usebtxdataset [ref.bib] in an environment file that gets read each run. A limitation, or rather a design goal, of the bibliography subsystem is that citations will not work unless you render the bibliography list. Why is this? The reasoning is that it makes no sense to give list numbers or list labels (e.g. APA : authoryear) if there is no list, for these numbers or labels depend on the context (bibliography by chapter, by part, by volume, or by book, for example). We have not done much with same page, footnote bibliographic references. I do not use that style as I always like having a bibliography list. Best is to compile the entire product and then use some tool (qpdf, pdftk, etc.) to select out a certain range of pages. ConTeXt has gotten fast enough that this should not be a real problem. Alan