Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
\def\setuprelativeinterlinespace[#1]% {\processallactionsinset % \regelwit = dummy ! [#1] [ \v!on=>\oninterlineskip, \v!off=>\offinterlineskip, \v!reset=>\setfontparameters,% just \setstrut, test first
\s!unknown=>\assignvalue{#1}\regelwit{1.00}{1.25}{1.50}% \spacing\regelwit]}
now, (apart from \regelwit being dutch), this value is used nowhere else, so this setting will not be seen afterwards
in this respect it's not a bug but just a characteristics; however, it would make sense to let it carry over, so ...
i have to think about it
It setupinterlinespace does nothing, why is it present at all? Can we get this fixed by the end of the week? It would be nice if I could use it in my thesis.
well, it's originally meant for local usage (and then it comes after a bodyfont switch) what to think of the following 'feature': \unprotect \let\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty \def\setuprelativeinterlinespace[#1]% {\processallactionsinset [#1] [ \v!on=>\oninterlineskip, \v!off=>\offinterlineskip, \v!reset=>\let\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty \let\synchronizerelativeinterlinespace\relax \setfontparameters, \v!auto=>\let\synchronizerelativeinterlinespace\dosynchronizerelativeinterlinespace, \s!unknown=>\assignvalue\commalistelement\currentrelativeinterlinespace{1.00}{1.25}{1.50}% \spacing\currentrelativeinterlinespace]} \def\dosynchronizerelativeinterlinespace {\ifx\currentrelativeinterlinespace\empty\else \spacing\currentrelativeinterlinespace \fi} \let\synchronizerelativeinterlinespace\relax \appendtoks \synchronizerelativeinterlinespace \to \everybodyfont \protect so, auto let it adapt to fotn switches: \setupinterlinespace[auto,big] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input knuth} \stoptext
Maybe also allow some numerical factor which would be a percentage of the amount ConTeXt would choose by default? So that
\setupinterlinespace[fraction=1] (default) fraction = .5 (half *bleah*) fraction = 1.6 (would give what is usually intended as "doublespace"
this also works: \setupinterlinespace[1.75] Hans