On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, Dean Hung wrote:
The documentation on underbrace (and overbrace, underbracket, etc...) in the ContextGarden wiki seems to be very limited, and I was not able to find any user-supplied arguments for increasing this vertical distance.
There are various solutions available for LaTex, and they require external packages (e.g., BigStrut, vphantom) that redefine the strut height.
I hope I'm missing something simple... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey, this is context. We don't need any packages for simple stuff:
\startformula \underbrace[mindepth=1cm]{x+y+z}_{\mathrm{my text here}} \stopformula
Actually, realized that you want more distance in the other direction. One option is to use \vrule. \underbrace{x+y+z}_{\vrule width 0pt height 1cm\relax\mathrm{my text here}} You probably also want \text{...} instead of \mathrm{...}. Aditya