Bonjour à tous, I'm using amsl module, but it seems there is a probleme with the startarray/stoparray environment which apear with the "t" type of column (t for text). So the basic cases commande doesn't work. Also the \startcases/stopcases should have the same meaning thas \cases{xxx} has, but it doen't. I use textlive distrib with a copy og t-amsl.tex version 2004.11.18 Thank you for any help! -- Maurice Diamantini %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usemodule[amsl] \starttext \startformula {\bf f(x)} = \cases{ \sum_{x=1}^n x & if I am false \\ \displaystyle% just to see the difference \sum_{x=1}^n x^2 & \text{if I am true} } \stopformula % This formala works as expected, but if I replace % the forth column of type "l" which contains some \text{xxx} stuffs % with a column of type "t" without using the \text command, % there is an error. \startformula {\bf e_u(t)} = \left\{ \startarray{dlll}% ou bien : \startarray{| d | l | r | l} \displaystyle \sum_{x=1}^n f(x) & = ax^2 + b.x + c, & = a & \text{Here some text} \\ \hfil y_2 % just to center stuff within a "d" column & = 3ax^3 + 3ax^2 + b.x + c, & = b & \\ \sum_{x=1}^n h(x) & = y_2, & = a + b & \text{encore du $(x^2)$ texte} \stoparray \right. \stopformula \startformula {\bf e_u(t)} = \startcases \sum_{x=1}^n f(x) & if I am true \\ \displaystyle \sum_{x=1}^n h(x) & if I am false \stopcases \stopformula \stoptext