On May 20, 2009, at 12:13 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
I uploaded a beta. Not that many fixes (if someone can collect structure related bugs ...), only a few.
For those who keep an eye on the source ... i'm rewriting ppchtex and it will be integral part of the core of mkiv (so that we have chemistry on board). It's not yet finished but i'm getting there.
OK, here is a collection of some assorted bugs. Most of them have been posted several times. Of course, everybody will have their own feeling of what is more and what is less urgent, but I will just add a few words about my own situation: 1. bib-module \usemodule[bib] \setuppublications [refcommand=num, numbering=yes] \startpublication[k=bertellihecataeus,t=incollection, a={{Bertelli}},y=2001, n=1,s=Ber01] \artauthor[]{Lucio}[L.]{}{Bertelli} \pubyear{2001} \arttitle{Hecataeus: From Genealogy to Historiography} \editor[]{Nino}[N.]{}{Luraghi} \crossref{luraghicraft} \pages{67--94} \pages{67--94} \pubname{Oxford University Press} \stoppublication \startpublication[k=luraghihistorian,t=book, a={{Luraghi}},y=2001, n=2,s=Lur01a] \editor[]{Nino}[N.]{}{Luraghi} \pubyear{2001\maybeyear{a}} \title{The Historian's Craft in the Age of Herodotus} \city{Oxford} \pubname{Oxford UP} \stoppublication \starttext Citation: \cite[bertellihecataeus] List: \placepublications[criterium=all] \stoptext Taco's bib module does not work with the current beta. For me, this is a showstopper, I will have to give up on mkiv as long as this does not work. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2. Section numbers in markings are duplicated \setuphead [section] [page=yes, style=normal] \setupuserpagenumber[state=start,way=bysection] \setupfootertexts[{\getmarking[sectionnumber]} – \userpagenumber] \starttext \section{One} \input tufte \page \input linden \section{Two} \input bryson \page \input davis \stoptext Urgency=high, I use these markings in lots of documents. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3. trep and tlig features don't work in node mode \definefontfeature [mytest] [mode=node,script=latn,trep=yes,tlig=yes,kern=yes] \starttypescript[serif][Test] \definefontsynonym[Serif][name:texgyretermesregular][features=mytest] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[Test] \definetypeface[Test][rm][serif][Test][default][features=mytest] \stoptypescript \usetypescript[Test] \setupbodyfont[Test,12pt] \starttext fine's flops: 1 -- 2 --- 3 \stoptext priority: medium for me (since it can be worked around, but still needs fixing) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4. Spaces, esp. after periods \font\one=cmr10 \font\two=file:texgyrepagella-regular \bgroup A A A \primitive\sfcode`A=2000 A A A \egroup \bgroup\one A A A \primitive\sfcode`A=2000 A A A \egroup \bgroup\two A A A \primitive\sfcode`A=2000 A A A \egroup \bye This test file has been given by Wolfgang Schuster a few days ago. It shows a problem that is especially annoying after periods because it disrupts frenchspacing/nonfrenchspacing. For me, very high priority because the quality of the output is severely reduced (with this bug, it would be impossible to typeset a book for publication with ConTeXt mkiv right now). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5. Labels \definelabel[SlideNumber][headstyle=normal,way=bytext] \starttext \incrementSlideNumber \nextSlideNumber \stoptext Fails in current beta. For me, urgency=medium. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6. Cross-references \starttext \startitemize[n] \item[one] One \item[two] Two \item[three] Three \stopitemize As we can see in item \in[one] and \in[three]. \stoptext Urgency=medium %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7. Line breaks between quotation marks: \setuplayout[width=3cm] \starttext \quotation{This is a \quote{test.}} \stoptext Urgency: low, but non-nil. OK, this should be enough for the time being. For almost two weeks, I haven't been able to connect to the supelec website to bring my luatex to the latest version; is this a problem on my end, or is access to the svn repositories currently disabled? Would be nice to hear about these bugs; some of the have been posted several times, but we never heard back about them. All best Thomas