- hartelik dankseggen! - What a beatific surprise when I opened my Mail in the late morning for the first time: all my yesterdays problems with marginal notes in ConTeXt and Hans' Code resolved, almost all used commands and elements explained, so that I have won confidence that I shall make it to configure the marginalia in the wanted format and to learn and use ConTeXt. I'm really impressed of your helpfullness! Thank you, Hans, for the improved code and expanation, thank you, Tobias and Aditya for the explanations and the links, also for the correction of the code regarding "\plusone" (that was the reason for the typeset accent signs ยด instead of superscript numbers in the body text)! Despite your extended help, I have still acquire a lot to build my first little document in ConTeXt - I postponed this learning process to have more certainty that the marginalia question can be resolved and confidence that I can make it. Am 06.06.2008 um 00:24 schrieb Hans Hagen:
concerning documentation ... if i had 60 hours in a day .... keeping up with user demands, developments, my work etc etc takes time too
I understand this very well, the more I'm happy for the help.
the best resource for special cases is still this mailing list since others may have needed you rfeature before
As was demonstrated... I'll come back to this, when certainly needed again. Prachtig wiekenende! Goutgaun! joachim -- Kreimer-de Fries