The following MWE produces a passable result for a half-title page, but I need to reduce the vertical space between 'A JOURNEY' and 'from the' so that the 'h' of the 'the' is just touching the baseline of the 'R' in JOURNEY. At the moment there is some distance between them. I thought I could do this with \setupinterlinespace[] (not represented in the MWE because it did not work) but no matter what dimensions I put in there, it makes no difference. Is there another way I can make infinitesimal adjustments to distance between the two lines in question? Julian \startstandardmakeup[top=] \startalignment[middle] \definedfont[name:SemplicitaPro-Medium.ttf*default at 34pt] \color[gray]{A JOURNEY} \definedfont[name:baskerville-italic.ttf*default at 26pt] \color[gray]{from the} \definedfont[name:SemplicitaPro-Medium.ttf*default at 34pt] \color[gray]{BEGINNING} \stopalignment \stopstandardmakeup \startstandardmakeup[top= ]